
developing bugs 🐞 ~ fixing some of its

27 September 2020

ruby start.rb

by Vinicius 'VinyLimaZ' Lima

Hey guys!

Like you may already saw, I'm Vinicius and I'll start to write some thoughts on this blog/site.

I already have a lot of blogs, some of them to write some poems, others to write my thoughts when I was high (lol), but, even I had started to work with IT in 2005, I never write about tech stuff. That's very strange, but let's check this from my things to do before die list.

I'm a Ruby lover and I'm one of the lover on RubyBrasil group, a telegram group to talk about Ruby. My first time with Ruby was around the end of 2017 when I was participating in the Quero Ser Dev (I want to be a dev) by Locaweb, an event to find and hire people that have/haven't dev expertise and want to work with Ruby on Locaweb. The event is old and already provides a chance for a lot of people to learn and start in this beautiful profession.

It have had some steps to be hired, an online logical test, an online course (Code saga, it's free and open for everyone!) with a points system, after those steps we have 2 more: a group dynamic and the Web Immersion by Campus Code.

I took the steps and was eliminated in the last part before the course 😭, but this didn't make me give up on my desire to be a dev, I was working with client support but doing some very small dev things to automatize some PITA jobs of me and colleagues and I already was with this in mind, I loved the first steps that introduce me the Ruby and Rails, at that time I already messed with Java in the College and C (Either on college but less than Java) and looking at how beautiful and expressive Ruby is I fall in love with it and when you love something you go all the way to had that, and that was what I did.

With the help of my job I receive a discount on the Immersion on Campus Code and I did the training and it was one of the best things that I did in my life, the course was very awesome and I had a chance to learn a lot of good practices and things important for the enterprise world.

After the training, I was invited to work on Campus Code and paired with some seniors dev that worked with them at that time, this made a big difference in the way that I write code and think in code, it was a very amazing experience that made helped me be hired on the BioRitmo/SmartFit company as a junior web developer \o/

That was how my code life began, had a lot of things before that made all this happen, like my computer basic course on Microlins, the intern that I took there and the time that I taught some classes there, the forums of games creation that I learned about the The Games Factory and made some games and animations.

That's a brief story of how I became a developer, on the next posts I'll start to write about real tech stuff! Stay tuned!

tags: work - ruby - it - study - dev